Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Overcoming the fear of loneliness

Overcoming the fear of loneliness requires understanding God's commitment to you. His fatherhood isn't based upon mood, sentiment or emotion; it is based on his unchanging character and reputation. Everything He is, and claims to be, stands or falls apart, depending on His faithfulness to you. "For the sake of His great name, the Lord will not reject His people, because the Lord was pleased to make you His own." 1 Samuel 12:22 NIV. Notice two things in the Scripture: concern for His good name, and the pleasure He takes in being your Father, are why He will never turn His back on you. Your problems don't mean that God is judging or disowning you. Satan would love to convince you of that. He will tell you that you failed God, or that God has failed you in order to make you feel unworthy, hopeless, disowned by God and abandoned. No, generations of believers have sung through their souls’ dark night, "great is thy faithfulness, oh God, my Father." In your circumstances and suffering, "God's loyal love couldn't have run out, His merciful love couldn't have dried up. They’re created new every morning, how great your faithfulness!" Lamentations 3:22-23 TM Suffering in adversity don't cancel His faithfulness, He's "the same yesterday, today and forever." Hebrews 13:8 NKJV He can't love you once, and not love you always. "After you suffer a short time, God, who gives all grace, will make everything right. He will make you strong and support you and keep you from falling." 1 Peter 5:10 NCV Today, declare, "nothing can ever separate me from God's love."

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