Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Celebrate Recovery and the Lord's Prayer

I know this is long, but it was so good, I just had to post it. This is taken from the Life's Healing Choices book by John Baker. We are using this series in our CR Leadership training, and it has really been helpful.

Praying the Scripture may be a new experience for you, but it's a prayer method that brings amazing blessings. Let's look at the Lord's Prayer. You will see how the eight principles of Celebrate Recovery are supported in this prayer. As you pray, you will be able to focus your prayer to avoid the dangers of relapse.

Scripture: "Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your name..."
Principle 1: Realize I am not God...
Principle 2: Earnestly believe that God exists
Prayer: Father in Heaven, Your name is wonderful and holy. I acknowledge that You hold all power, that You are God and that on my own I am powerless. Without You, I will most certainly relapse into my old hurts, hang-ups and habits.

Scripture: "Your kingdom come..."
Principle 8: Yield myself to God to be used...
Prayer: I pray that Your kingdom will come in my life, that I will yield myself to be used by You, that You can use me to reach out to others with the Good News of Your kingdom and Your healing. Help me to find ways to serve You and others.

Scripture: "Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven..."
Principle 5: Voluntarily submit to God's changes...
Prayer: Oh, Lord, I pray that Your will be done in my life. I fight against it so often, but in my heart of hearts, I choose to submit to You. Help me to hold on to that choice. I choose Your will over my willpower; help me not to fall back into old patterns.

Scripture: "Give us today our daily bread..."
Principle 3: Consciously choose to commit everything to Christ's care...
Prayer: Supply me with just what I need for today. Help me to take my recovery one day at a time, not looking too far ahead, but committing all my life and will to Christ's care and control, one day at a time.

Scripture: "Forgive us our debts..."
Principle 4: Openly examine and confess my faults...
Prayer: Forgive me, Lord. I have looked at my life and my heart, and what I have seen is not pretty. You already knew that, and I thank You for loving me anyway and for forgiving me so freely. Thank You for the loving support from others that You have provided along my healing journey.

Scripture: "As we also have forgiven our debtors..."
Principle 6: Evaluate all my relationships...
Prayer: Soften my heart toward those who have harmed me. Teach me, by Your power, to forgive, as You have forgiven me. and give me the courage, the conviction, and the wisdom to make amends where I have harmed others. Help me not to relapse into old patterns of resentment and bitterness.

Scripture: "and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one..."
Principle 7: Reserve a daily time for God
Prayer: Help me to daily spend time with You. I know that time with You is my best defense against relapse and my best offense toward growth. May my time with You create a hedge of protection around me. Amen.

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