Bible reading: Matthew 25:14 – 30
Step 3: We made a decision to turn our lives and our wills
over to the care of God.
“Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to
offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God – this is your
spiritual act of worship.” (Romans 12:1)
Principle 3: Consciously choose to commit all of my life and
will to Christ care and control.
“Happy are the meek.” (Matthew 5:8)
When we come out of a difficult season of life, we tend to
think of our lives as a mess. But we need to realize that there is more in our
lives in pain and problems; there is more to us than our addictions. If we been
treated as worthless, we may overlook are many assets – our talents, resources,
and abilities. God wants these turned over to Him, too.
Jesus told a story about a man who went away on a long trip.
He left some “talents” to 3 of his service to invest while he was away. (A
talent was a unit of currency used in biblical times.) They were given
differing amounts of money to invest in keeping with each of their abilities.
Two of the service use their money profitably. The 3rd was afraid to
try and buried his in the ground. When the master returned he was very pleased
with the 1st 2 servants and rewarded them. He was very angry with
the servant who just hit the money away, failing to make every turn on it. The
master had expected him to make the most of what he had been given (Matthew
25:14 – 30).
When we turn our lives over to God that includes all the
gifts he has entrusted to us. To say that we have no talents or abilities, is
an insult to the One who gave them to us. We’re not worthless! We may have to
dig around a bit to find those talents that have been buried while we were
consumed by our craziness, but God expects us to find them and use them. This
will improve our self-esteem and help in our recovery.
God wants all of us because He loves all of us.
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